
Kristen Miller Photography

Kristen Miller Photography
Kristen Miller Photography

31 December 2010

And time is running out! (Catch-Up/Rewind- Kristen Miller Photography)

child photographer Pittsburgh wedding event Kristen Miller Photography

In the depth of winter,  I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
-Albert Camus

I am running out of time for this 2010 Rewind! The USB port on my (POS) laptop has not been recognizing the flash drive (on which I keep my pictures) for some reason, so I am using another computer to get this last round in.  I can't believe its already New Year's Eve.  The days seem to fly a bit faster when surrounded by loved ones, good food, and general holiday lackidaisicalness.  (Yes, its a word.  I checked.  See also: leisureliness, do-nothingness, inertness, langouressness.)  Well, I have a few minutes left.  Here goes....  Here's a bit more from the summer time.  Ah, I remember that season!

xo Kristen
Julian & Ivy: "To the outside world we all grow old.  But not to brothers and sisters.  We know each other as we always were.  We know each other's hearts.  We share private family jokes.  We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys.  We live outisde the touch of time." ~Clara Ortega
Ivy & Eli: "Being pretty on the inside means you don't hit your brother and you eat all your peas--that's what my grandma taught me."  ~ Lord Chesterfield
Eli: "Seven days of no swimming makes one weak."  ~Author Unknown
Julian & Ivy: "Summer afternoon--summer afternoon, to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."  ~Henry James

oohhh, and time really is running out...

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